Cities located in the 401 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 401 are: Providence, Pawtucket, Woonsocket, Newport, and East Greenwich.
Other cities in the 401 area code include: Warwick, Narragansett, West Warwick, Pascoag, Cumberland, Portsmouth, Westerly, North Kingstown, North Providence, Hope Valley, Cranston, Bristol, Coventry, Tiverton, Warren, Carolina, Little Compton, East Providence, Jamestown, Charlestown, North Scituate, Greenville, Bradford, and Riverside.
Reverse Phone Lookup in Providence, RI

Reverse Phone Lookup in Providence, RI

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Find out who that 401 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify whoโ€™s calling or texting you.

PeopleWin will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.

About Providence, Pawtucket, and Woonsocket, Rhode Island

Providence is the capital of and most populous city in the U.S. state of Rhode Island, founded in 1636, and one of the oldest cities in the United States. It is located in Providence County and is the third most populous city in New England, after Boston and Worcester. Providence has a city population of 179,154; it is also part of the Providence metropolitan area which extends into southern Massachusetts. The Providence metropolitan area has an estimated population of 1,604,291, which exceeds that of Rhode Island as a whole by about 60%. This can be considered, in turn, to be part of the Greater Boston commuting area, which contains 7.6 million people.Providence was founded by Roger Williams, a religious exile from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He named the area in honor of "God's merciful Providence", which he believed was responsible for revealing such a haven for him and his followers to settle. The city is situated at the mouth of the Providence River at the head of Narragansett Bay.Providence was one of the first cities in the country to industrialize and became noted for its machine tool, jewelry, and silverware industries. Today, the city of Providence is home to eight hospitals and seven institutions of higher learning which have shifted the city's economy into service industries, though it still retains some manufacturing activity. The city was once nicknamed the "Beehive of Industry"; it began rebranding itself as the "Creative Capital" in 2009 to emphasize its educational resources and arts community.

Pawtucket Listen i / p ษ™ หˆ t สŒ k แตป t / is a city in Providence County, Rhode Island, United States. The population was 71,148 at the 2010 census. It is the fourth largest city in the state.Pawtucket borders Providence, Rhode Island and the state of Massachusetts.

Woonsocket is a city in Providence County, Rhode Island, United States. The population was 41,186 at the 2010 census, making it the sixth largest city in the state. Woonsocket lies directly south of the Massachusetts state line.The city is the corporate headquarters of CVS Health, a pharmacy services provider. It is home to Landmark Medical Center, the Museum of Work and Culture and the American-French Genealogical Society.

What Time Zone is Area Code 401?

The 401 area code lies within the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (or EDT). The current time in Eastern Daylight Time is 5:51 AM on May 15, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Providence
37 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near Providence, Pawtucket, and Woonsocket, Rhode Island

Phone Number Prefixes in the 401 Area Code

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Phone Numbers in the 401 Area Code

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