Cities located in the 435 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 435 are: Saint George, Logan, Park City, Cedar City, and Tooele.
Other cities in the 435 area code include: Brigham City, Heber City, Lake Powell, Moab, Tremonton, Richfield, Kanab, Kamas, Nephi, Fillmore, Vernal, Blanding, Beaver, Price, Salina, Panguitch, Roosevelt, Honeyville, Delta, Torrey, Manti, Wendover, Castle Dale, Duchesne, Virgin, Fairview, Central, Mount Pleasant, Monticello, Monroe, Smithfield, Garden City, Dutch John, Antimony, Hyrum, Richmond, Ephraim, Park Valley, Woodruff, Hurricane, Ferron, Hinckley, Neola, Portage, Manila, Tabiona, Garrison, Helper, Teasdale, Coalville, Milford, Rush Valley, Mona, Fielding, Snowville, Grantsville, Sevier, Huntington, East Carbon, Corinne, Loa, Randolph, Myton, Dugway, Elmo, Vernon, Altamont, Randlett, New Harmony, Peoa, Grouse Creek, Beryl, Greenville, Greenwich, Lapoint, Kanarraville, Green River, Fayette, Thompson, and Ibapah.
Reverse Phone Lookup in Saint George, UT

Reverse Phone Lookup in Saint George, UT

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Find out who that 435 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.

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About Saint George, Logan, and Park City, Utah

St. George is a city located in the southwestern part of the U.S. state of Utah on the Utah- Arizona border, near the tri-state junction of Utah, Nevada and Arizona. It is the county seat of Washington County, Utah and is the principal city of the St. George Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city lies in the northeastern-most part of the Mojave Desert adjacent to the Pine Valley Mountains ; it's also at the convergence of three distinct geological areas: the Mojave Desert, Colorado Plateau, and Great Basin. The city is 118 miles northeast of Las Vegas and 300 miles south-southwest of Salt Lake City on Interstate 15. The city is named after George A. Smith, a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Apostle.As of the 2015 U.S Census estimates, St. George had a population of 80,202, and the metropolitan area, defined as Washington County, had an estimated population of 155,600. St. George is the seventh-largest city in Utah and the most populous city in the state outside of the Wasatch Front. In 2005, St. George was ranked the second fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States, beat only by Greeley, Colorado, this trend continued through 2010, when growth slowed substantially due to the economic recession. Today however, growth trends have once again increased at a steady pace, ranking St. George as the fifth fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States.

Logan is a city in Cache County, Utah, United States. As of the 2010 census the population was 48,174, with an estimated population of 48,997 in 2014. Logan is the county seat of Cache County and the principal city of the Logan, UT-ID Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes Cache County and Franklin County, Idaho. The Logan metropolitan area contained 125,442 people as of the 2010 census. In 2005 and 2007, Morgan Quitno declared the Logan metropolitan area the safest in the United States. Logan is the location of the main campus of Utah State University.

Park City is a city in Summit County, Utah, United States. It is considered to be part of the Wasatch Back. The city is 32 miles (51 km) southeast of downtown Salt Lake City and 19.88 miles (31.99 km) from Salt Lake City's east edge of Sugar House along Interstate 80. The population was 7,558 at the 2010 census. On average, the tourist population greatly exceeds the number of permanent residents.After a population decline following the shutdown of the area's mining industry, the city rebounded during the 1980s and 1990s through an expansion of its tourism business. The city currently brings in a yearly average of $529,800,000 to the Utah Economy as a tourist hot spot, $80,000,000 of which is attributed to the Sundance Film Festival. The city has two major ski resorts : Deer Valley Resort and Park City Mountain Resort. Both ski resorts were the major locations for ski and snowboarding events at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Although they receive less snow and have a shorter ski season than do their counterparts in Salt Lake County, such as Snowbird resort, they are much easier to access.Additionally the city is the main location of the United States' largest independent film festival, the Sundance Film Festival, home of the United States Ski Team, training center for members of the Australian Freestyle Ski Team, the largest collection of factory outlet stores in northern Utah, the 2002 Olympic bobsled/skeleton/luge track at the Utah Olympic Park, and golf courses. Some scenes from 1994's Dumb and Dumber were shot in the city. Outdoor-oriented businesses such as, Rossignol USA, and Skullcandy have their headquarters in Park City. The city has many retailers, clubs, bars, and restaurants, and has nearby reservoirs, hot springs, forests, and hiking and biking trails.In the summertime many valley residents of the Wasatch Front visit the town to escape high temperatures. Park City is usually 20 °F (11 °C) cooler than Salt Lake City, as it lies mostly above 7,000 feet (2,100 m) above sea level, while Salt Lake City is situated at an elevation of about 4,300 feet (1,300 m).In 2008, Park City was named by Forbes Traveler Magazine among one of the 20'prettiest towns' in the United States. In 2011, the town was awarded a Gold-level Ride Center designation from the International Mountain Bicycling Association for its mountain bike trails, amenities and community.

What Time Zone is Area Code 435?

The 435 area code lies within the Mountain Daylight Time Zone (or MDT). The current time in Mountain Daylight Time is 8:11 PM on May 14, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Saint George
31 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near Saint George, Logan, and Park City, Utah

Phone Number Prefixes in the 435 Area Code

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Phone Numbers in the 435 Area Code

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