Cities located in the 561 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 561 are: West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach.
Other cities in the 561 area code include: Jupiter, Belle Glade, Palm Beach Gardens, Pahokee, Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach, Lake Worth, and Lake Worth Beach.
Reverse Phone Lookup in West Palm Beach, FL

Reverse Phone Lookup in West Palm Beach, FL

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Find out who that 561 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.

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About West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach, Florida

West Palm Beach is a city in and the county seat of Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. It is one of the three main cities in South Florida. The population was 100,343 (revised) at the 2010 census. The University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) estimates a 2016 population of 108,896, a 7.9% increase from 2010. It is the oldest municipality in the Miami metropolitan area, having been incorporated as a city two years before Miami in November 1894. Although West Palm Beach is located approximately 68 miles (109 km) north of Downtown Miami, it is still considered a principal city within the Miami metropolitan area, due to the solid urbanization between both cities. The estimated population of the Miami Metropolitan area, which includes all of Palm Beach County, was 6,012,331 people at the 2015 census.

Boca Raton is the southernmost city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, first incorporated on August 2, 1924 as "Bocaratone," and then incorporated as "Boca Raton" in 1925. The 2015 population estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau was 93,235. However, approximately 200,000 people with a Boca Raton postal address reside outside its municipal boundaries. Such areas include newer developments like West Boca Raton. As a business center, the city also experiences significant daytime population increases. It is one of the wealthiest communities in South Florida. Boca Raton is located 43 miles (69 km) north of Miami and is a principal city of the Miami metropolitan area, which was home to an estimated 6,012,331 people at the 2015 census.Boca Raton is home to the main campus of Florida Atlantic University and the corporate headquarters of Office Depot, ADT, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It is also home to the Evert Tennis Academy, owned by professional tennis player Chris Evert. Town Center Mall, an upscale shopping center in West Boca Raton, is the largest indoor mall in Palm Beach County. Another major attraction to the area is Boca Raton's downtown, known as Mizner Park.Many buildings in the area have a Mediterranean Revival or Spanish Colonial Revival architectural theme, initially inspired by Addison Mizner, a resort architect who heavily influenced the city's early development. Still today, Boca Raton has a strict development code for the size and types of commercial buildings, building signs, and advertisements that may be erected within the city limits. No outdoor car dealerships are allowed in the municipality. Additionally, no billboards are permitted; the city's only billboard was grandfathered in during annexation. The strict development code has led to several major thoroughfares without large signs or advertisements in the traveler's view.

Palm Beach is an incorporated town in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The Intracoastal Waterway separates it from the neighboring cities of West Palm Beach and Lake Worth. In 2000, Palm Beach had a year-round population of 10,468, with an estimated seasonal population of 30,000.

What Time Zone is Area Code 561?

The 561 area code lies within the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (or EDT). The current time in Eastern Daylight Time is 4:03 AM on May 14, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for West Palm Beach
43 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach, Florida

Phone Number Prefixes in the 561 Area Code

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Phone Numbers in the 561 Area Code

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