Cities located in the 915 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 915 are: El Paso, Clint, Anthony, Fort Hancock, and Canutillo.
Other cities in the 915 area code include: Salt Flat, and Fort Bliss.
Reverse Phone Lookup in El Paso, TX

Reverse Phone Lookup in El Paso, TX

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Find out who that 915 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.

PeopleWin will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.

About El Paso, Clint, and Anthony, Texas

El Paso is the seat of El Paso County, Texas, United States. The city is situated in the far western corner of the U.S. state of Texas.El Paso stands on the Rio Grande river across the Mexico–United States border from Ciudad Juárez, the largest city in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The two cities, along with Las Cruces in the neighboring U.S. state of New Mexico, form a combined international metropolitan area sometimes referred to as the Paso del Norte or El Paso–Juárez–Las Cruces. The region of over 2.7 million people constitutes the largest bilingual and binational work force in the Western Hemisphere. The city is the headquarters of one Fortune 500 and three publicly traded companies, as well as home to the Medical Center of the Americas, the only medical research and care provider complex in West Texas and southern New Mexico, and the University of Texas at El Paso, the city's primary university. The city hosts the annual Sun Bowl college football post-season game, the second oldest bowl game in the country. El Paso has a strong federal and military presence. William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Biggs Army Airfield, and Fort Bliss call the city home. Fort Bliss is one of the largest military complexes of the United States Army and the largest training area in the United States. Also headquartered in El Paso are the DEA domestic field division 7, El Paso Intelligence Center, Joint Task Force North, U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector, and U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Group (SOG).In 2010, El Paso received an All-America City Award. El Paso has been ranked the safest large city in the U.S. for four consecutive years and has ranked in the top three since 1997. As of July 1, 2015, the population estimate for the city from the U.S. Census was 681,124. Its U.S. metropolitan area covers all of El Paso and Hudspeth counties in Texas, and has a population of 838,972. The El Paso MSA forms part of the larger El Paso–Las Cruces CSA, with a population of 1,053,267.

Clint is a town in El Paso County, Texas, United States. The population was 926 at the 2010 census. It is part of the El Paso Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Anthony is an incorporated town in El Paso County, Texas, United States. The population was 5,011 at the 2010 census. It is the first town encountered in Texas when traveling eastbound on Interstate 10 from New Mexico.

What Time Zone is Area Code 915?

The 915 area code lies within the Mountain Daylight Time Zone (or MDT). The current time in Mountain Daylight Time is 5:41 PM on May 13, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for El Paso
32 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near El Paso, Clint, and Anthony, Texas

Phone Number Prefixes in the 915 Area Code

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Phone Numbers in the 915 Area Code

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